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Wembdon Parish Council purchased the allotments land (at the top of Wembdon Hill) in April 2011 with the sole intention of securing the future of cultivation of vegetables and associated products within the village. The land had been used for allotments for many years but had only been leased by the Council.

There are 64 plots, of about 68 square metres each, with a total of 42 tenants, many of whom hold 2 plots.  There is a great deal of interest in allotments at the present time.  A waiting list is being held.  The site has numerous old fruit trees across the site, apples, damsons and plums. 
The tenants grow a great variety of produce ranging from root vegetables, salad vegetables, onions and shallots, beans of all varieties, fruit including raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries to flowers to encourage the bees and other pollinating insects. The wild life at the allotment bountiful, including toads, sloe worms, lizards, a variety of birds and foxes.

The allotments are a treasured area of Wembdon and not regarded as a commercial enterprise for the Council but were purchased for the use of the Wembdon Community. The allotments are to be used at all times in accordance with allotment holder’s agreement with the Parish Council.

Allotments Policy

The Parish Councillor with responsibility for the allotments is Dianne Claydon. You can address any enquiries about the allotments to her, or to the Parish Clerk.

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