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Wembdon Parish Council Meetings

Wembdon Parish Council normally meets on the second Monday of each month in Wembdon Village Hall, except in August. The agenda is published on the website and posted on the Parish Council noticeboards five days before each meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend as observers, or to speak for up to 3 minutes on an item which is on the agenda. Details of how to register to speak are on each agenda.

We no longer hold separate Planning Committee meetings; planning applications are now discussed in full Council meetings.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting must be held in May each year, and the agenda includes those things that only need doing once a year, such as electing a chairman, vice-chairman, committees, etc.  When these annual agenda items are completed then the meeting carries on in the same way as other Parish Council meetings.

Coronavirus update: The Government has not renewed our ability to hold virtual meetings, and until the restrictions are further relaxed we have to take strict precautions if we hold physical meetings. These will include limiting numbers of members of the public attending. Full details will be published on the relevant agenda.

Upcoming Council meetings

Monday 13th January at 7pm

Minutes of previous meetings

(all are pdf documents – the recent ones are accessible, older ones may not be. If you need an accessible document, please contact us. You can read our accessibility statement.)

Draft minutes of most recent meeting

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