Wembdon Parish Council take a proactive stance on village safety. The Playing Fields, Children’s Playground and Parklands areas have extensive CCTV coverage, which has been used on a number of occasions to identify vandals to the Police. The local Police Community Support Officer takes an active interest in what is happening in the village.
Road safety is also a matter of extreme importance in the Village. A volunteer Community Speed Watch team has been active for a number of years, and a mobile Speed Indicating Device (SID) is regularly moved between locations on Wembdon Rise, Wembdon Hill, and Church Road. A recent installation of a fixed solar-powered SID on Wembdon Rise has resulted in a lowering of traffic speeds there, and a reduction in the number of speeders. A second similar device has been installed at the northern end of Wembdon Hill.
An initiative by the Parish Council resulted in the installation of a Pelican crossing on Wembdon Rise by the junction with Inwood Road, a crossing point which is used by many children and parents on their way to and from Wembdon St Georges Church School. The Council would now like to install sprred reduction measures at the crossing in order to reduce the risks to pedestrians.