Wembdon Parish Council has 10 Councillors elected by the residents of Wembdon, and a part-time salaried clerk. In common with all other Parish Councils, its members serve for a period of 4 years. A chairman and vice-chairman are elected by the members.
Meetings of the Parish Council are held in Wembdon Village Hall on the second Monday of every month, except in August, usually at 7:30 pm. The Parish Council Planning Committee meets when there are new planning applications to discuss, usually immediately before the full Parish Council meetings, and on other occasions when required.
Agendas for the Council and Planning Committee meetings are displayed on the Parish Council notice boards, and on this website, which is also where the minutes are published.
The meetings are held in public, but they are not ‘public meetings’: they are not a forum for public debate. A member of the public may address a meeting about any item on the agenda, provided that they give notice in advance to the clerk. Speaking time will be limited to 3 minutes for each member of the public. From time-to-time, members of the public and press may be excluded from a meeting when matters of a confidential or sensitive nature are to be discussed. For full information, see the Standing Orders (this is a pdf document, please contact the Parish Clerk if you need an accessible version).