Statement of Ownership
The Parish Council purchased the said allotments in the Parish of Wembdon for the sole and only activity of Cultivation of vegetables and associated products. The land is to be used at all times in accordance with allotment holder’s agreement with the Parish Council. The Council reserve the right to discontinue the arrangement when the agreement is broken by the holder of the allotment.
The Allotments in Wembdon were purchased for the use of the Community in the Parish of Wembdon and are not aimed to provide a profit for the Parish Council and are not to be regarded as a commercial enterprise.
The Requirements of the Parish Council
- Each plot shall be let at an economic rent, to be fixed by the Parish Council in June of each year for the period of hire October that year to September of the following year. The rent will become due in October for the whole twelve months and should be paid by the end of October. If the rent is not paid then it shall be lawful for the Parish Council to take repossession of the plot of land and thereupon the tenancy shall be absolutely determined, but without prejudice to the Wembdon Parish Council’s right to the recovery of the rent due in arrears.
- No Allotment holder shall be allowed to continue as a tenant who has not paid all subscriptions due to the Parish Council.
- The plots shall be let in order of application from a register of applicants kept by the Parish Council Clerk should there be more applicants than plots available. The maintenance of this register can be delegated to a Parish Councillor.
- Vacant plots will be let on a first come first served basis and priority will be given to applicants living in the Parish of Wembdon. Any plots available may be then let to non-residents of the Wembdon Parish at the discretion of the Parish Council Clerk.
- Commencing January 2020, no person shall hold the tenancy of more than two plots. This requirement shall not apply to any tenancies commencing prior to January 2020. The Parish Council has the discretion to overlook this requirement.
- If a plot is relinquished partway through the hire period then no refund will be made of the fee paid for the remainder of the period.
- No building of any kind shall be erected on the plot that is larger than 6ft x 6ft x 6 ft high and shall be placed in a position that is satisfactory to adjoining plot holders in terms of light allowance. A well may not be dug without the absolute permission of the Parish Council
- No fruit or rose bush shall be planted within 3ft of the road or pathways. The growing of fruit trees will require the express permission of the Parish Council.
- No dogs shall be allowed on the grounds unless on a leash, nor shall young children be allowed unless accompanied by an adult.
- No rubbish of any kind shall be deposited on any road, ditch, pathway or allotment. Allotment holders must dispose of rubbish in an environmentally safe and responsible manner, including any rubbish left by a previous allotment holder.
- No barbed wire to be used as fence adjoining any path set out by the Parish Council of Wembdon.
- No notice or advertisement to be placed or erected on the allotment.
- Water butts are not to be used for the washing of tools, containers or produce. Many diseases are transmitted in water i.e. club root wilts and rust.
- The sighting of or presence of rats or other vermin are to be reported to the Parish Council at once.
- No Poisons, Chemicals or any other hazardous materials are to be left on site at any time.
- Any person wishing to relinquish the plot shall give notice to the Parish Council clerk of 28 days and no compensation will be made for unused rental period. The Parish Council reserves the right to make a charge for any clearance works needed to enable the plot to be re-let at the termination of any tenancy period.
- All of the above rules and regulations shall be strictly enforced by Wembdon Parish Council and its officers and shall be considered as part of its agreement made between the hirer and the Parish Council. The Parish Council will have right of re-entry and possession of the ground for breach of and non-performance of any such rule.
- Each allotment holder shall keep his or her plot under proper cultivation, also to use his or her best endeavour to protect the fences, his/her or neighbour’s produce and keep the walkways in good order.
- The allotment holder must comply with the terms of this policy and the tenancy agreement which he/she signed at the commencement of their tenancy.
- Any matter not detailed above or not provided for in the rules and regulations will be matters of decision by Wembdon Parish Council.
Agreed at a meeting on 9th December 2019