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Defibrilator training

Defibrilator logo

Wembdon Parish Council have organised another training session in the use of defibrilators, provided by the South Western Ambulance Service. This will take place on Thursday 11th July at 6pm in the Parish Centre, Church Road.

Everybody is welcome to come – no booking needed – just turn up. No previous knowledge is needed, but if you have been to a previous training session, this will be a chance for a refresher.

There are three defibrilators in Wembdon Village: outside the Parish Centre, outside the Cottage Inn, and outside the Village Hall.

Closure of Wembdon Hill on 28th May – reminder

A Road Closed sign

Openreach are planning to replace a telegraph pole on Wembdon Hill, which will require the road to be closed between the junctions with Wembdon Orchard and Hollow Lane for the duration of the work. The closure is expected to start at 09:30, and to last for a maximum of 6 hours.

Full details can be found in the official notice of closure.

Residents in the affected section should still be able to access their properties, and a pedestrian route will be kept open through the work area.

For further information about the works being carried out please contact Sunbelt Rentals on telephone number 0370 050 0792 quoting reference number ttro261543N.

Wembdon Parish Paper edition 44

Cover of Wembdon Parish Paper edition 44

The latest edition of the Parish Paper has arrived from the printers, and a copy will be delivered to all the households in Wembdon in the next few days.

If you think you should have a copy, and haven’t received it by the end of May, please contact our clerk with your name, address and phone number, and he will sort it out for you.

As usual, there will be some spare copies available at Wembdon Village Hall, the Parish Centre, the Cottage Inn and Greenway Garage. Or you can read it online.

Closure of Wembdon Hill – 28th May

A Road Closed sign

Openreach are planning to replace a telegraph pole on Wembdon Hill, which will require the road to be closed between the junctions with Wembdon Orchard and Hollow Lane for the duration of the work. The closure is expected to start at 09:30, and to last for a maximum of 6 hours.

Full details can be found in the official notice of closure.

Residents in the affected section should still be able to access their properties, and a pedestrian route will be kept open through the work area.

For further information about the works being carried out please contact Sunbelt Rentals on telephone number 0370 050 0792 quoting reference number ttro261543N.

Notice of vacancy of Parish Councillor

Following the resignation of a councillor, a vacancy has arisen in the office of councillor for the Wembdon Ward of the Parish of Wembdon.  The Notice of Vacancy document can be viewed on this link.

To qualify to stand as a councillor a person must be aged 18 years or older and be a citizen of the United Kingdom, any EU Country or any Commonwealth country and also meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Is, and thereafter continues to be, a local government elector in the parish of Wembdon or
  • During the whole of the 12 months preceding the date of appointment has occupied as owner or tenant any premises in the parish of Wembdon or
  • During the whole of the 12 months preceding the date of appointment has had a principle or only place of work in the parish of Wembdon or
  • During the whole of the 12 months preceding the date of appointment has resided either in the parish of Wembdon or within three miles of it.

There are a number of reasons why a person may not stand for this position.  These include if the person:

  • Is subject to a bankruptcy restrictions order, or an interim bankruptcy restriction order, or a debt relief restrictions order, or an interim debt restrictions order or
  • Has, within five years before the date of appointment, or since being appointed, been convicted of an offence in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man which has imposed a sentence of imprisonment of three months or more (whether suspended or not) without the option of a fine.

Any person who is qualified to stand as a councillor, and is interested in applying for this volunteer position, is asked to email the Parish Clerk at for further details. All applicants will be considered for co-option to the council at its meeting on 10th June 2024. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Wembdon Playground News

Accessible trampoline

Wembdon Parish Council apologises for the continued unavailability of the accessible trampoline.

Following the vandalism on 7th March in which two of the rubber edging tiles had been wrenched out and thrown into the rhyne, we had been hoping to be able to do the repairs ourselves, and had been waiting for suitable weather. However when two of our Parish Councillors attempted the work yesterday, they found that the damage was more extensive than they had realised and that some of the rubber crumb surround will also have to be replaced. Definitely not a DIY job!

We are seeking a quotation from the supplier, and will arrange for the repair to be carried out as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the trampoline will have to remain fenced off for safety reasons.

Young children’s swings

We have arranged with a local contractor for the framework of the swings to be repainted. The work will be carried out in the next week or so, subject to suitable weather conditions. In preparation, we have removed the chains and seats, and will replace them as soon as possible after the repainting.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this essential work.

Wembdon Annual Parish Assembly 2024

To be held in Wembdon Village Hall on
Monday 22nd April at 7:30pm

Please come and join your Parish Councillors for a summary of the year’s achievements and a look ahead to 2024-25, which will be a challenging year due to the Somerset Council devolution programme.

Our guest speaker will be Alys Laver of Steart Marshes who will give a 30 minute talk about the importance of the wetlands and the developments that have been made at Steart over recent years. The area has changed beyond recognition and provides a very important site for both the birds and people.

This has been an interesting and informative evening in previous years. Following the meeting, at about 8:30pm, the bar will be open and everyone attending will be offered a free drink of their choice and nibbles.

View the agenda

We look forward to seeing you.

New flood action and recovery guides

Front page of leaflet: Your home in Somerset could be at risk of flooding. Would you know what do do? Flooding is dangerous and can happen quickly. The effects can be devastating. If it happens you can be prepared. Look inside to find out how.
Front page of leaflet: Recent flooding in Somerset. What can you do now? Read this leaflet for advice on what you can do after a flood.
(Click on the image to download the leaflet)

Flood Wessex (part of the Environment Agency) have written to us:

“It has been an exceptionally wet autumn and winter in Somerset. Between October and February, catchments such as the Axe and the Brue have seen their wettest period on record, and the whole county has been affected by extreme rainfall events. Hundreds of properties have been flooded in dozens of communities, either from surface water, groundwater or fluvial flooding.

“Together with our partners, Somerset Council and the Environment Agency have been working closely together to respond to flooding when it occurs, and to support communities to recover. As climate change makes wetter winters and extreme weather events more likely, community resilience is more important than ever, and we will continue to support communities to be as prepared as they can be for flooding.”

They have produced two new guides: a flood action guide with preparedness information, and a recovery guide for those recently affected by flooding.

Reporting flooding

We have added some links to the home page of our website, and further information can be found on our Reporting Flooding page.

Funding and Grants

  • The Government’s Flood Recovery Framework is used in exceptional circumstances to support councils and communities following severe flooding. This has been activated for the areas most affected by Storm Henk. Somerset Council have opened applications from residents or businesses who have been affected by flooding between 2 – 12 January. The closing date for applications is 29th March for Community Recovery Grants, or 31st March for Council Tax Discounts, Business Rates Discounts and Business Recovery Grants. Flood Recovery from Storm Henk (
  • Households that were flooded between 2-12 January may also be able to apply for up to £5,000 to install Property Flood Resilience measures as part of flood repairs, and farms that have suffered uninsurable damage from Storm Henk may be able to apply for grants up to £25,000. Applications are not yet open for these schemes.
  • Somerset Prepared provide grants of up to £5,000 for communities to purchase equipment that will help them to better respond to emergencies. For more information, please visit
  • There are also grants available through a Wessex Water scheme:

(Information supplied by the Environment Agency)

Dog poo bags!

Dog poo bags inappropriately left by grit bin on Wembdon Hill
Dog poo bags inappropriately left inside grit bin on Wembdon Hill

Wembdon Parish Council have received complaints from members of the public that dog poo bags have been left next to, and even inside, the grit bin on Wembdon Hill. This is both inappropriate and a health risk.

If you have witnessed bags being left there, and/or know the names of the culprit(s), please contact the Parish Clerk. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can phone him on 07859 911204.

If you have been a culprit, please dispose of dog poo appropriately from now on. There are litter bins nearby, which you can use for dog poo, provided that it is securely bagged. Alternatively, you can use one of the many red dog waste bins around the Parish. Better stiil, TAKE IT HOME, and put it in your black bin!

Temporary traffic lights on Wembdon Rise 27th to 28th March

Temporary traffic lights sign

There will be temporary traffic lights on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th March on Wembdon Rise, between Homburg Way and Inwood Road. This is to allow Openreach to carry out “Utility Asset Works”. A pedestrian walkway will be provided through the works.

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