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Wembdon’s Neighbourhood Plan Policies

Policy WB1: Design

New developments will need to demonstrate how any new proposed building(s) will contribute positively to the character of the existing built form and the atmosphere of the village, through use of the following where applicable:

  1. Ensure a mixed palette of locally distinctive external materials including where appropriate the use of locally sourced red sandstone (or suitable equivalent) within key views and frontages;
  2. Encourage soft, green landscaping in preference to concrete and tarmac where practicable;
  3. Appropriate densities to reflect the surrounding built form, setting and context;
  4. New and additional tree planting of appropriate species to reflect the existinfg street sceme within the village; and
  5. Avoid the loss of sandstone walls or, when this cannot be achieved, include proposals for reuse of the material on site.

Policy WB2: Locally Important Viewpoints

New development proposals should seek to protect and, where appropriate, enhance the objectives (contained within Appendix E) of the following Locally Important Viewpoints (as defined in Appendix F):

  1. Views looking north from Wembdon Hill towards Perry Green and Chilton Trinity
  2. West Wembdon – Views to the west of Wembdon Village looking west towards the Quantock Hills and south towards the A39 Quantock Road including the A39 corridor
  3. Wembdon Village Hall and Church Road across the Green

Policy WB3: Sustainable Transport and Parking Provision in New Developments

Major new development will be expected to incorporate new walking and cycling links, or improvements to existing, in relation to connections between one or more of the following locations within the development itself and/or by means of planning obligation where the statutory tests for such obligations are met:

  1. The residential allocation at Cokerhurst Farm, Wembdon Village and Wembdon Village Hall
  2. Wembdon Village and local education and employment facilities
  3. The A39 Cannington cycleway and Wembdon Village

Major new development will need to be supported by an appropriate Transport Statement or Assessment which identifies potential adverse impacts on traffic speeds and volumes along Wembdon Hill and Wembdon Rise as a result of the proposals. Where there is a potential for adverse impacts, appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures will need
to be delivered through the new development and priority would be given to the above identified routes.

Development proposals which include measures to reduce the speed and volume of traffic within the Neighbourhood Plan Area will be supported.

Other than on land shown on the adopted proposals map as allocated for residential development in accordance with Sedgemoor Local Plan Policy B2, development proposals shall provide for the following car parking provision per dwelling unless site­-specific viability evidence demonstrates that this cannot be achieved or that there would be a demonstrated
adverse effect on design and/or residential amenity:

1 Bed

1.5 spaces

2 Bed

2 spaces

3 Bed

2.5 spaces

4+ Bed

3 spaces


0.2 spaces per dwelling

Policy WB4: Community Facilities

Proposals to enhance, improve and extend community facilities will be supported where they complement existing facilities, and in particular at the following Important Community Facilities as identified on Plan 1 and the accompanying inset plans contained in Appendix A.

Aerial view of Wembdon showing locally important facilities

Development proposals resulting in the loss of, or which compromise the viability of, facilities identified on Plan 1 will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that the land and/or facility is no longer required for its sports, leisure or recreational use and that the proposed development provides recreational or community benefit equal to the long­-term value of the sports, leisure or recreational facility that would be lost.

Policy WB5: Delivery of new retail and community facilities

The following additional retail and community uses will be permitted where they will contribute positively to existing facilities:­

  1. Restaurant/café
  2. Convenience store
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Doctor’s surgery
  5. Children’s play area

Regard should be had to the objectives of the Community Strategy once it is adopted.

Where there is potential to undermine the viability of an existing community facility, to which Policy WB4 applies, planning permission will be refused unless it is demonstrated that the benefit of the proposed retail or community facility would outweigh the loss of, or risk to the viability of, an existing facility.

Policy WB6: Local Green Spaces

The following areas are to be designated as Local Green Space and are identified on Plan 2 and the accompanying inset plans contained within Appendix C:

Aerial view showing Wembdon's local green spaces

Policy WB7: Rural Diversification

New small­-scale development to provide ancillary uses, including but not limited to the following buildings that are required to support the diversification of existing rural businesses, will be approved:

  1. Café or restaurant
  2. Farm shop
  3. Business start­up units
  4. Leisure
  5. Holiday accommodation

The appendices referred to above form part of the approved Plan.

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